Saturday, March 18, 2006

Twentieth Post ever...

So, as you've probably noticed I've decided to do something completely out of the ordinary for my twentieth post. I have decided to write in "invisible" ink. So yeah. That's all that's really new and exciting. I got home last night without too much trouble...well none at all actually! C= so yeah... We get to go to China next monday, mom gets her cabinets THIS monday and they get installed on tuesday. And, as usual, we have school to do! Oh well....that's life... and when life gives you lemons, throw them at people! That's what I try to do anyways...*splattering of lemons*

I cannot believe that it is the middle of march already, this is insane! Like, I was just thinking today about Christmas, and it really doesn't seem that long ago! And we've only lived in this house for about 3+1/2 months and it already feels like home!!! 'Tis crazy how fast time flies.

Anyways, I shall't leave you with a quote, and then sign off for today!
:"I find that the less time I have to do things, the more things I get accomplished"

(since I changed the template this doesn't work anymore, I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and if you don't know what I'm talking about, just ignore this.)

Amanda at 3:31 PM



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