Monday, March 27, 2006

Twenty-first Post Ever...

Ok, so my whole family is like...all psyched out because we get to go to China tommorow. And it's actually almost scary!!! Anyways, while they are all dancing around the house singing "We're going to China!!!" I have been doing school, and writing here, and checking email, and stuff like that. Oh well. At least they're excited.

Well, we are going to China tommorow, and I don't expect to be blogging again before we go, if I had a laptop, I could blog on the plane, and in China, but I don't!!! I don't get one till next year, when I have to have one at school!!! Anywho...not that it's that big of a deal. You all enjoy your weeks, I know I will!

See you all when we get back!!!

My question of the day for you is:

Why do they put the names of football teams on baseball caps?

Amanda at 11:22 AM



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