Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Forty-eighth Post Ever...
Well now...this is a milestone!It's a rather random milestone granted, but a significant post on my blog nonetheless. (is that even a word...whatever!)
So this post is all about my brand new friends from Zoisia!
zoisia n : lawn grasses native to southeastern Asia and New Zealand; grown especially in warm regions
But, in my case, zoisia is the senior high youth group at south abby church. And there are a whole wack of really awesome, great, dedicated people who go there, and I love it! I have been going since august (I went night-sliding at cultus with them) and I've been going faithfully ever since. This weekend we are getting together to do the "Urban Plunge" seeing what it's like to be homeless. We get to sleep in cardboard totally cool! For the past two weeks at youth we've been doing fear factor...I couldn't do it! I chickened out. But you can't blame me, I mean who would voluntarily drink a big mac meal, yes...I said DRINK! How nasty can you get! I mean ewwwww!

Anyways, yeah, the worship is fantastic, and Jon is one of the best youth pastors in the WORLD, and yeah. It's great, I love them all!
Here are all of my youth buddies!

Melissa and Gab (small group leaders!)

Chantelle (on the right)

Me and Rachel!

Worship time...

Amanda at 9:19 PM