Sunday, June 03, 2007
Eighty-fourth Post Ever...
"We will be your hands.
We will be your feet.
We will run this race for the least of these.
In the darkest places we will be your light,
we will be your light!"
I'm so in love with God, it's not even funny.
I don't even know where to start or what to say...but I'm so done with being lame and sitting around. I really need to get off my behind and do something for God, it's all good to say "sure I'll work for Jesus!" but I actually have got to do something!
Just the other day, I was thinking about this, and I was wondering "why don't I serve God as faithfully as I think I should...why do I seem to struggle with sharing my faith?" I realized that it was because I wasn't completely sure that I was secure in God yet. Don't get me wrong, I love God, and know that He loves me unconditionally, but I've felt kind of...unstable lately. And I guess I was just doubting that I could help heal people who are broken, when I feel broken. Through that whole thought proccess, I think God put a thought in my went kinda like this.
self-"Why don't I share my faith?....I suppose it's because I don't think people will listen to a broken person? Who wants someone like me, who has their own problems, to come in and try to solve the other person's problems with 'religion.'
God- "You realize that if they really want your help, and that if it's actually Me leading you to them, they'll accept that your broken and are just trying to help."
self-"But seriously! Why would anyone want help from someone who's just as shaken up as they are? What makes me qualified to help them???"
God-"It's your problems that helps you know how to help the other person. It helps you relate...and the difference between your problems and their problems is that you know how to fix them, and they don't. You are on the mend....and they're not."
self- "oh."
So my new motto is the chorus to that United song...
"We will be your hands.
We will be your feet.
We will run this race for the least of these.
In the darkest places we will be your light,
we will be your light!"
oh! Ps: I'm doing Love Abbotsford tomorrow, and I'm SOOO excited!
Amanda at 9:01 PM