Friday, December 22, 2006

Sixty-second Post Ever...

Well! Christmas is like...two days away!!!

I'm SOOOO psyched! (auntie claire helped me spell that word!! hehe) since last time I have posted a LOT of stuff has happened!!! A lot of picture worthy events. Like, going to the Burnaby Museum with Uncle Steve and Aunt Leona, and NOT going to the school Christmas banquet (lol), and cleaning my room, making gingerbread houses in school, and going to my youth pastor's wedding!!!

So...we'll start at the top of the list and work our way down!

We went to the Burnaby Museum for an afternoon/evening family thing. It was pretty great. (you want to know what bothers when people complain about going places with their parents! I would be soo bored if my parents never came with me anywhere! And I actually enjoy their company!)

So we went and saw Santa Claus, and watched about....ohh....3 minutes of a silent Christmas movie, and we saw a Swedish elf with his scarry, alien-looking reindeer, and we WENT ON THE CAROUSEL!!! That is the most amazing carousel I've ever been on! (and I've been on a my fair share of them.) Yeah. It was pretty great. We had loads of fun and made loads of "yokes." =)

Next on my list..was I think NOT going to the school Christmas banquet! I really didn't feel like going...and Uncle Steve and Aunt Leona were here, and so I didn't go. But I heard some pretty great things about it from friends.

Anndddd...CLEANING MY ROOM! should all be amazed, because my room will probably never be this clean (or organized!) again. If you notice...the books aren't all over my desk, they're in a row. And ALL my purses are hung up. And the floor is clean! Spotless! You can see it!!! It's a miracle.

(continued in next WAY too long...)

Amanda at 9:40 PM



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