Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Sixty-fifth Post Ever...


I have an amazing discovery (or two) to share with everyone!

Are you ready for this....I FOUND "how to draw the pigeon in 10 easy steps!!!"

(those of you who have read the books will know what I speak of.)

It's soo cool, so cool in fact, that I had to spend about 20minutes making it into JPG format so that I could put it on here!

Here it be.


Anyways. That was pretty much fabulous! So I tried it on my own, and I actually got it to look like the pigeon!!! So happy.

That's pretty much the only thing I'm posting about.

that and the fact that I GOT CHOCOLATE!
yes... so cool!

And! [one last thing] The counter up above all of these posts is for YC [youth convention/conference....i dunno] in Edmonton that my youth goes to! I've never been, and it's a long time from now and I'M STILL EXCITED!



Amanda at 7:26 PM



at 3:30 PM Blogger ÇЋẫŊŦΣŁĻЭ said...

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at 3:31 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah so you drew the pigion on ur desk top then eh? Sweeeet... Can't click on image to see it bigger though =\

YC is amazing! can't wait!



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