Friday, June 22, 2007
Hawk Nelson's latest video...
When I first heard this song, it really touched me. When I saw the video, it hit me even harder...I realized just how fragile life is, and how no one really thinks about death a lot these days.
It's been on my mind quite a bit lately. Ever since Caity left for New Zealand, with a mission to save some of the lost teens down there (New Zealand and Australia have the highest teen suicide rates in the world) and ever since I saw that news report on the three Canadian soldiers who were killed the other day in Afghanistan; I've realized how blessed I am. People I'm close to have had loved ones die, and it hurts just to see them hurting, I can't imagine the actual pain they're going through. Someone told me that this song described their feelings exactly..."We've cried here for hours, and the hours turned to days."
I can't imagine going through that, and my prayers go out to the three families who lost their dads/husbands/sons/brothers the other day.
To my family and friends:
I love you to bits, and I thank God for you every single day. Thankyou for being part of my life, and for blessing me so much.
May God bless you.
Amanda at 4:51 PM
- at 5:11 PM Darcy and Sharon said...
We love you too!!!!!