Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Eighty-eighth Post Ever..
I had a little bit of a rough morning today...we won't go into detail, but...my mom...well...she pretty much is amazing. She helped me see that everyone has bad days, and that everyone makes mistakes, so we just need to have a good attitude and keep moving.I'm not a fantastic writer, but this is just a tribute to my mom...
You are my hero.
When I fall, you're there to help me back up.
You are my guiding light.
When I don't know what to do, you're always there to help me make the right choices.
You are my best friend.
Whenever I'm in need of company, you're right there.
You are my cheer leading squad.
When I'm discouraged, you help me realize I can do it if I try.
You are my guardian angel.
When I'm in trouble, you run to my rescue.
You are my mother.
and i love you.
You'll never know how much I appreciate you mom, I don't think there are words for it.
Amanda at 2:21 PM
- at 7:16 AM said...
aw face <3 that was love right there.
mom are "definately just" amazing. "oh moms" <333
ohjonjonwiththediponthefloor hehe